Welcome to the new PMA Website

As a virtual network, comprising over 200 Talent Agencies – including all major UK agencies, established boutique agencies, and newer agencies starting to make their mark – the PMA website is a crucial online hub.

The updated Members Area gives agencies the ability: to prioritise the information that is relevant to you; to control your agency membership actions including your mailing lists and advertising activity; and you will find it easier to sign up to Member Events and meetings.

Here, in Insights, you will find updates on PMA activity and topics relevant to agents.

Members, have a look around – we hope you like our new online base!

PMA announces Changes to Council Co-Chairs, and Sector Co-Chairs

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The PMA is unique as a membership organisation run by, and for its members. The governing body is a Council of elected members, steered by four Council Co-Chairs.  The Council is pleased to announce the appointment of Kevin Brady, AHA Talent; and Donna French, Gordon and French as the new Council Co-chairs, for the Artist Sector, joining long-standing Council Co-chairs Charlotte Knight and Fiona Williams.

On the Dramatists and Directors (D&D) side, Giles Smart, United is joining Charlotte Knight as co-chair for the D&D Sector.

And on the Artist’s side, at the last PMA Council meeting the following were confirmed as co-chairs for the Artists’ Sector: Alfred Califano, TAP; James Penford, McEwan Penford; Kate Staddon, Curtis Brown; and Josh Woodford, Hamilton Hodell.