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Join the PMA

Submit an application for your agency to join the PMA.

We are delighted to currently be receiving a high number of membership applications. Sadly, this is affecting the time it takes to process applications. If you are submitting a new application please be sure that you fulfil all our membership criteria before registering your interest. If you have an application pending, please bear with us.

If your agency is less than two years old please note previous experience at another agency.
(e.g. mainly artists representation or literary representation)
Please name four current clients and state how long they have been with the agency.
Max. file size: 64 MB.
Please confirm that you can provide evidence of the following, if requested:

Please confirm that you have read the PMA code of conduct, and understand that membership and annual renewal assumes your agency adheres to this code.

If you cannot meet all these criteria please contact

**this point is only applicable to Artists, not applicable to Dramatists, Directors and Creatives. Please leave blank if not applicable.
The following two currently registered PMA members will support your application*
Director sign off*