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Additional Artists’ Meeting – November 26th 1pm – 2pm (venue tba)

By Catherine Considine
Additional Artists’ Meeting – November 26th 1pm – 2pm (venue tba)

Dear Artists Agents,
I have been getting a few questions about this meeting (with Claire Hood, Under the Hood Media) so thought an email to you all might be useful.

The purpose of the meeting to address with you – PMA members – a need to fill in gaps in our collective contractual/legal understanding. We often talk about providing “crib sheets” for example, for issues discussed in artists meetings. But we need someone to pull that information together to distribute. Example of areas we believe it would be useful to engage Claire collectively are: pushing back against exclusivity and option provisions; and understanding increasingly prevalent legal terminology. In the meeting she will lay out a number of areas where she believes she could provide value to the PMA – and we will look for a collective decision in moving forward.

To allay any hopeful expectation – we are not engaging Claire as a PMA legal advisor, dealing with queries from members. While she may be happy to work individually with agencies – that would be a matter for you / your agency to decide and negotiate.

I hope this clarifies.

All best,