About us

The leading professional body for talent agencies in the UK.

PMA members are talent agencies representing Artists, Dramatists and Creatives.  Currently, membership stands at 220 agencies; an estimated 1000 agents; who between them represent approximately 50,000 artists, writers, directors and creatives working in screen, theatre and audio.

Members are bound by a code of good agent practice, with outlines conscientious regard for the professional welfare of clients; and commitment to industry-wide values of equality, diversity and inclusion, and anti-harassment.  Uniquely, the PMA network is run by its members, for its members.

The PMA was established in 1950, for: ‘The protection and promotion of the interests of its members variously operating in the [cultural industries] as personal managers … and of maintaining good and friendly relations with one another.’  The spirit of which remains true to this day and extends to many kindred, industry organisations with which we work.

The PMA Council

The PMA Council

The PMA Council is currently chaired by four elected council members:

Kevin Brady, AHA; Donna French, Gordon and French; Charlotte Knight, Knight Hall Agency; Fiona Williams, Berlin Associates.

The PMA Artists’ and Dramatists and Directors Sectors

The PMA Artists’ Sector is co-chaired by: Alfred Califano, TAP; James Penford, McEwan and Penford;  Kate Staddon, Curtis Brown; and Josh Woodford, Hamilton Hodell.

The PMA Dramatists’ and Directors’ Sector is chaired by Charlotte Knight, Knight Hall; and Giles Smart, United.

The PMA Artists’ and Dramatists and Directors Sectors

The PMA Working Groups

There are currently over 130 PMA agents actively involved in these bespoke groups working together to address immediate issues, or long-running committees set up to research and to advise on particular sectors.

Download list of the PMA working groups