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Audible (theatre) – request for free streaming

By Rose Cobbe
Audible (theatre) – request for free streaming

Cave: Audible approached one of my younger writers (directly, cc-ing me in) about making streaming of their play available for free on other platforms until 31st May , whilst all the theatres are doing free offerings Gallant but put -on-the spot client said “yes” by return..

In case they are doing the same elsewhere, of course it’s up to the client, but I did rebuke the Audible producer, for a) emailing the writer directly and b) suggesting this was the community thing for the writer to do. Audible has now agreed not to approach any of UA’s writers directly again and not to ask for any further extension from the writer in contention.

I also pointed out to Audible that it is one of the few precious sources of income remaining to our playwrights that is completely unaffected by Coronovirus., that Audible could best help the theatre community by continuing to be an income stream for the playwrights whose main source of royalty income it at an indefinite halt.. Audible are contemplating a (paying) project for cancelled plays.

UA’s position is that if there are requests (of which every day the number grows) for royalties/ income to be waived during a fixed term from entities whose profit margins are unaffected by the lockdown it must be on a scheme where the sum waived and the company requesting the waiver are donating/ contributing those sums to the NHS/ charity of writer’s choice and that not only the writer is contributing to it.

Audible quick to have a reply that they were looking into this but do make it clear to your clients if they/you are approached that they are not failing to support the wider theatre company if they withhold their consent!