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BBC / Steria Complaints Procedure

By Catherine Considine
BBC / Steria Complaints Procedure

At last week’s D&D meeting the need to deal with complaints about Steria via the BBC’s formal complaint process was stressed (it is the only way complaints are noted, monitored and resolved). The procedure / contact details are below:
1. BBC / Steria Complaints Procedure
Query Handling
o Call 0207 326 9760, select Contributor Payments option
o Queries can be emailed
o Queries for BBC Worldwide DVD, DTO & Audiobook payments to be emailed to
o All queries will be given a unique reference number
o Queries that cannot be resolved by the first line will be referred to the process team
o The query could also be referred back to the BBC/BBC Worldwide, if the contract information is not clear
o Queries not handled appropriately can be sent by email to
All best,