Beta version


Black Lives Matter

By Catherine Considine
Black Lives Matter

Hi Everyone – Thank you to all people who have already responded to this email. If you do want to get involved it would be useful to hear from you by the end of this week (Friday June 19th). There is interest in getting together by zoom before our next Artists meeting (both dates tba) to start bringing ideas together.

Here’s my original email …

Dear Members,
I know that events of the past week or so have given rise to spoken and unspoken feelings of “what can we do?”; and the idea that we need to be more proactive as an agent community to redress equality imbalances. And while it is tempting to rush to some sort action or plan, I wanted to share this with you, from one of our agencies:

“As an agency, we have opened a dialogue with our clients and it’s interesting to hear back from them, so I think it is vital that we actively consult with actors, writers, directors via agents then we will be in a position to work out what we can do going forward….I think it starts with listening. With working out how we best invite people to talk about their experiences and share their thoughts on improving things. Our first purpose is to give a clear voice to our clients, we have personal relationships with them and they open up to us. I think once we have information from them we can then plan how to move forward.”

I’m sure many of you are already having these conversations. Can I invite you to think of these discussions as a first step? Can we use these stories and reflections to form a long term plan that we can act on together? This isn’t something the PMA can do for you – real change is going to require open and active involvement from all of us.

We are planning an Artists meeting at the end of this month (date tba) – shall we use that as a starting point? Please feel free to email me thoughts in the meantime. Especially if you are interested in being actively involved.

All best,