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Challenging the terminology – Global Majority

By Catherine Considine
Challenging the terminology – Global Majority

Following the message from the PMA’s Diverse Squad yesterday, here are details from Spotlight , with details for tomorrow’s event. Please email if you want to attend.

From Spotlight:
Ahead of our Industry Forum in London. We’d like to invite you to Spotlight for a private Forum event to discuss and share ideas specifically around racial/ethnicity casting terminology.

As many of you will know, we are in the process of launching our Ethnicity or Heritage feature that will allow performers to identify themselves in a way which represents them as individuals. The next stage of the process will be switching this on for casting directors to search, so this feels like a good opportunity to bring a wide variety of professionals together to discuss this, plus wider terminology, such as the use or non-use of the term ‘Global Majority’, which we would happily facilitate.

The session will be moderated by a representative of Equity’s Race Equality Committee, and will allow a safe space discussion around terminology as well as our Ethnicity and Heritage feature.

The session will take place on Thursday September 28th 19:00 – 20:30 at Spotlight HQ (2nd floor).

If you would like to attend please let me know via email – we are hoping to ensure there is a good mix of CDs and Agents across the guilds.

Best wishes,
David Flynn