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commercials – pre agreed terms

By Catherine Considine
commercials – pre agreed terms

Hi all,
This a reminder that – with the full backing of Equity – we are advising agents to to ignore wording that requires consideration of terms prior to offer on a commercial. We advice you to suggest accordingly and retain your right to negotiate at the point of offer.

We have engaged with the CDG and the CDA on this issue and are contacting casting directors individually if we see a request for any sort of agreement to terms prior to submission or offer.

This is our stance, backed by Equity:

– There is no legal standing to an actor saying they are happy to the terms.

· In order to be happy with the terms, there needs to be a process of review and discussion which is prohibitively time-consuming and impractical.

· There is valid concern that discussing terms this early in the process labels the agent as “difficult” and has a negative impact on the artist.

· All of which is moot because an agent has the right to negotiate an offer at all times.

Please support this position – and feel free to contact me with any problems.

All best,