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Contract Negotiations

By FionaKeddie-Ord
Contract Negotiations

Hi All,

During our Commercials Working Party zoom today, Tim Gale of Equity talked of a few issues that have emerged recently when Agents are negotiating on behalf of members and he asked me to send around this note. It applies to commercials of course but perhaps worth remaining aware in general. When an offer is made, if we are to push back in any way with regards to financials and/or terms, the offering party are within their rights to rescind the offer at that point.

Obviously, we hope that in most cases, a reasonable conversation is had and of course, we always retain the right to negotiate BUT we do not retain the right to the offer if we enter a negotiation.

In Tim’s words…

“The moment you ask to negotiate a part of an offer of employment is the point where there is no longer a contractual offer to accept.”

Fi x