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D&D meeting re Diversity and Writers Room (via zoom)

By Catherine Considine
D&D meeting re Diversity and Writers Room (via zoom)

*Save the Date”

At 1pm on Wednesday, May 26th (zoom link to register will be sent nearer the time)

I’d like to invite you to a discussion about diversity and inclusion. In the past months, I’m aware of many conversations about diversity, and changes within agencies; between agents and clients; and of course within our industry as a whole.

I’ve been looking for a place to open these discussions to wider PMA membership – and the place that keeps coming back to me is Writers Rooms. I’m hearing uncomfortable tales of writers feeling probed for their stories of “otherness” – rather than given space to let their actual voices come through.

I’m wary of calling this a meeting, because I’d like to it be an open conversation:

– Broadly, about changes you have made, are making, and issues you are facing. And perhaps new conversations you are having with your clients about how they are feeling and working?

– And specifically, about how to approach Broadcasters (BBC, Netflix, Sky) about the way non-white writers are feeling in writers rooms and elsewhere.

If you are responsible for diversity in your agency, or if this relevant to your clients please try to attend. Younger agents, your voices are really important, if you are able, please come along.

You are all welcome. I hope this will be the start of an ongoing conversation in our network and a trigger for change.

All best,