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D&D Meeting Tomorrow – Unconscious Bias Session

By Catherine Considine
D&D Meeting Tomorrow – Unconscious Bias Session

Hi Everyone,

A quick reminder about tomorrow’s meeting – we have invited BIFA (British Independent Film Awards) to deliver a session exploring unconscious bias. BIFA has developed an approach with Challenge, specifically aimed at the media industry – and has delivered these sessions with a number of agencies and with all BIFA panelists.

Our session – specifically for D&D agents – will take the place of our usual D&D meeting. It is tomorrow (November 20th), at St Annes’ Soho (55 Dean Street), from 1pm – 2.30pm.

Hope to see you there.

PS – Here are a few comments from people who have participated in the training so far;

o “I went into the training seeing it as a tick-box exercise but was pleasantly surprised to find out how genuinely useful it was …”

o “Brilliant – the presenter was fantastic, relatable,
accessible. She made it feel like a conversation rather than a lecture. This session helped push a huge group of industry professionals a step in the right direction.”

o “Really excellent – I’ve recommended it to several film organisations since and at least one is going ahead with it. It was a brilliant move to do it – both impressive and pragmatic.”