Beta version



By FrancesArnold

Dear Directors Agents
We now have confirmation that DUK and Lime have agreed terms regarding HOLLYOAKS and therefore the embargo on new contracts has been lifted with immediate effect.
Please see Andrew Chowns letter below which outlines all of the agreed points going forward.
Thank you to all agents for standing firm.
PMA Directors Group
Dear All
I am pleased to report that I have just received confirmation from Lime Pictures of the terms agreed, so these are now in operation. To recap:
1 Lime agrees to add one flexi prep day to the already offered two days, all paid at the premium rate of 0.25 of the weekly rate.
2 Lime will hold a formal review of the operation of the new schedule in 6 months’ time, with the full consultation and participation of members and Directors UK itself. This will give us all an opportunity to have an open discussion of how it has actually worked out and air any ideas we have for further changes to improve it where things are not working, based on actual evidence.
3 Directors may decline to do reshoots of another director’s episodes without incurring any penalty or detriment.
4 Lime will reimburse any director living outside a 40-mile radius of the studio base with the cost of a weekly off-peak return rail fare.
5 Lime will devise a mechanism so that if members would prefer to travel by car instead of rail from outside a 40 mile radius, then they will receive an equivalent level of compensation (the exact form of this will be worked out by Lime).
6 Lime’s schedule means that directors will be offered a period of continuous weekly engagement during which they will be paid for each day within the continuous block
7 The minimum weekly pay rate is increased to £1,650 (inclusive of holiday pay).
All these proposals to take immediate effect (if not already in operation).
As a result our embargo on accepting new contracts is ended with immediate effect and you are free to accept new bookings for your clients.
May I take this opportunity to thank all of you for supporting this industrial action. I would especially also like to thank those of you with clients who found themselves in the front line during the embargo and who turned down offers of work. Their selfless determination and solidarity played a crucial part in bringing Lime to the table and forcing them to negotiate with us.
With my very best wishes
Chief Executive
Directors UK
3rd and 4th Floor
22 Stukeley Street
Tel: 0207 240 0009
Direct Line: 0207 845 9701