Beta version



By FionaKeddie-Ord

Unfortunately, following my recent post about the Philadelphia job, somebody felt it appropriate to inform the casting director of my communication to you all. This is something that we have discussed numerous times at artists meetings, we should all be operating with the utmost discretion. I will be raising this at the next meeting.
Croccodile took this as a personal insult but have since apologised to me. This forum is to assist us all to be able to communicate and help each other, some are frightened to use it because of this issue of “dobbing” each other in. I hope this is a one off occurrence as it would be a shame for this system to break down when we all get so much help and support out of it.
I think we need to discuss the issue of commercial usage as it is apparent that many agents are not understanding the point of buyouts equating to certain TVR numbers.