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Diversifying versus Discriminating

By NikiWinterson
Diversifying versus Discriminating

The LGBTQI community has been discriminated against for many years and continues to be.
Casting people who identity as LGBTQI is an opportunity for authenticity amongst a community of people who all share similar experience, which will ultimately enhance the meaning of the production and rehearsal process.
A similar example is a yearly breakdown which goes out on Spotlight where women who have had experience of motherhood are actively cast, not that they look any different to any other female actor but their experience of motherhood and being discriminated against can be brought into the rehearsal room.
An actor’s job is not just to portray, it is to create. Casting directors should be able to seek a person with real life experience.
The wording of the breakdown in question stated “I am particularly keen to cast someone” this is not discrimination, it is freedom of choice in an area where we should be sensitive to difference in the same way in which we should be culturally sensitive to casting should the production require.
For years we have seen actors portrayed inauthentically, for example non transgender actors playing transgender roles or non disabled actors playing characters with disability. There should be a non judgmental choice to cast actors who identify with protected characteristics if it is integral to the creative process or can promote equality and tolerance to the audience.
Sexuality is not a “preference” it is an orientation inherent to a person’s identity.
An actor should never be asked to disclose their sexuality but as agents we should provide a safe non judgemental space for them to do so should they wish, and give them access to specific opportunities if they wish to express this through their professional work. Sadly there will still be many actors who feel they cant express their true identity through fear of discrimination which ultimately may cost them their career.
The casting brief in question was first sent out looking for non specific LGBTQI suggestions and it’s absolutely possible that actors of all sexualities would have been considered for this project already. To suggest that a breakdown which is now particularly keen for specific LGBTQI suggestions is discrimination seems just as prejudicial.
I’m sure we all look forward to the day when our adult consensual sexual behaviours are not even a topic for discussion and we are just perceived as human beings who have relationships with other human beings without judgement or persecution.
We at Winterson’s are proud to support equality and have been staunch supporters of the 50/50 equality campaign and fully support equal balance in all areas of the industry.
Lawrence James
Associate Agent