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By Lennie Varvarides

Dear Agents,

I hope you are all keeping well.

There is a wonderful writers residency that I want to share with you, for Neurodivergent Writers and Creatives, that some of your clients may be interested in.

Below you will see a Press Release about the DYSPLA WRITERS RESIDENCY, which is funded by the Arts Council.

If you are able to share the opportunity with your clients and encourage them to apply, I would be most grateful.

The Deadline is the 3rd May, but will of-course extend to the 8th of May, if interested.

Any questions, please text Lennie on 07917157748.

Thank you so much and apologies for the short notice.

Love Lennie x



Apply today to the DYSPLA Storymakers Residency 2020/21

DYSPLA​ propagates the Neurodivergent* Aesthetic, an aesthetic defined through the cognitive eminence of Neurodivergence. Developing the stories of established, as well as new storymakers, DYSPLA is committed to promoting the creative benefits of Dyslexic and ND writers, storymakers and artists. DYSPLA continues this work with the support and funding of the Arts Council England and POET.

The Residency is open to all Neurodivergent Creatives living in England, who have a story idea in need of further development. The successful participants will receive up to 12 months of free script development support, practical rehearsal room workshops, a creative network of professional Actors, Directors and Industry Mentors, along with a Script Report and Peer Feedback.

The Residency is committed to ensuring Creatives have a holistic environment where they can create and finish their script, within a collaborative format. The work is then shared at the DYSPLA Prosecco Reception and Table Read Presentation, to an Industry Audience of influential professionals working in Script Development and Production. Last year’s invited guests included The Arts Council: BFI, BBC, ITV, Sky, Directors UK, Freelance Producers, Development Producers, Academic Institutions and Agents.

The Residency is completely free to submit to and to participate in. Writers may put forward multiple script ideas, and the program offers travel bursaries for those living outside of London as well as a place to write within the DYSPLA Studio. The deadline to receive all submissions is by 3rd May 2020 with the public announcement on 30th June 2020. Previous Resident Artists include Dr Julia Pascal and Maike Hale-Jones.

DYSPLA’s Founder, Lennie Varvarides describes the program as ​“A ‘coming out’ party for brave new voices in our community. The residence’s very existence is an acknowledgment of the creative benefits of Neurodivergence and how it is necessary for the survival of our creative ecology system”.

The online application consists of three short questions, and digital submissions are also accepted and welcome. For online applications, please click ​here​.

For more information about the residency or for an interview, please contact Lennie Varvarides.


E: Hello at dyspla dot com
M: 07917157748
Online Application Form:

Social Media:
Instagram: @Dyspla_festival
Twitter: @DYSPLA_Festival
Facebook: @DysplaFestival


DYSPLA: DYSPLA is a London-based arts organisation founded by Lennie Varvarides with Kazimir Bielecki and supported by the Arts Council England. The company has been developing the work of Neurodivergent artists since 2009. DYSPLA works internationally in Script Development, 360 Film, Installation Art, Immersive Theatre, Digital Art and Festivals to promote the British Neurodivergent Aesthetic and to develop new Storymakers. DYSPLA is an artist lead organisation, run by ND Artists for ND Artists.

*NEURODIVERGENT – “Sometimes Abbreviated as ND, means having a style of neurocognitive functioning that diverges significantly from the dominant societal standards of ‘normal’. Neurodivergent people include dyslexics, dyspraxics, AD(H)D, autistics, dyscalculics, OCD, dysgraphics, Tourettes, etc.” (Hewlett, Cooper, 2017)

The DYSPLA Residency has been running since 2019. Last year’s Resident writers were Dr Julia Pascal and Maike Hale-Jones. Below are quotes from their experience of the Residency.

“I met some amazing people who helped me regain my confidence and self-belief that can so often become eroded when you are neurodivergent.” – Maike Hale Jones

“This was a truly inspiring residency which helped me learn the new language of writing for film. I found the various mentors, teachers and colleagues to be generous and positive in their support. I have written a screenplay with nuance and texture which I would never have achieved without this wonderful residency.” – Julia Pascal

The Residency offers comprehensive mentoring support. Each resident writer meets weekly with our directorial and curatorial staff for personalized mentoring, research assistance, resources, guidance, and critiques as well as taking part in 6 rehearsal room workshops, (SurgeryScripts) with actors and a director.