Beta version



By Catherine Considine

Please note below from Equity (via the Eastenders working group). Do please feedback to Cathy Sweet on new deals for guests and regulars:
Email from Ian Bayes, Equity:
Earlier today my colleague Cathy Sweet and I met with Zoe Brown, Julia Crampsie and Nicola Hill to discuss the following points raised by some agents and cast members. I have drafted a report below.
Just in case you haven’t yet been informed Cathy’s now Equity’s BBC Audio & TV Organiser and I am the ITV & PACT for BBC TV Organiser.
The 135 Episode Cap
The BBC confirmed that this cap is included in the new weekly contracts and although it’s not the productions intention to have members of the cast appearing in more than 135 episodes per year they admitted that there may be occasions when the some artists exceed this cap. If this happens we were informed that this would necessitate negotiations between the production and the agent to agree an additional top up payment. They would have to do this because the BBC would effectively be in breach of contract as the contracts only allow for 135 episodes.
The BBC confirmed that the production team does monitor the cast’s working hours the number of days worked each week by the cast. Due the artists storylines their workloads will vary but it’s not the productions intention to drastically increase the artist workloads, but if the cast consider their individual workloads have increased for a sustained period of time that have the option to talk this up with the BBC either directly or indirectly by their agent and or Equity.
New Regular Artist’s
The BBC confirmed that the weekly fees for new regulars will buy 2 transmissions and that this will be reflected in the fee, together with the artist’s status, their earning power within the industry and the nature and weight of their contribution.
Guest Weekly Fees
The BBC confirmed that the fees will not include an element to buy the second transmissions but negotiations will continue to be done as above.
We are aware of the concerns from within the PMA that post the changeover to weekly fees the BBC may attempt to offer lower fees for new regulars and guest artists. If agents can demonstrate to Equity that the EastEnders production team are offering lower fees will be raise this matter with the BBC.
Please keep us informed of any concerns post the changeover.
All best wishes
Ian Bayes
Television Organiser, Equity