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Equity negotiations with Disney

By Catherine Considine
Equity negotiations with Disney

This is a request from Equity for examples of problematic contracts. Negotiations are being led by John Barclays and Liam Budd.

The following is from Liam:
[after a first meeting with Disney] – to move this conversation along, I would like to be specific and send across a file with all the problematic contracts and outline in writing why they run contrary to our [PACT Equity] agreement. Please could you ask your members to:

• send across any problematic contracts
• explain why this runs contract to our agreement

Disney have argued that these [problematic] special stips are only for the very high earning actors so if there are any example contracts for the more jobbing actor that would be particularly helpful. [ENDS]

Please send examples to, feel free to cc me.

Very brief PMA update – we are arranging both a meeting with Equity, and an all-member PMA catch-up meeting within the next couple of weeks. Date and details to follow.