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Equity West End updates

By JamesPenford
Equity West End updates

Please see below from Emmanuel at Equity…


Morning James,

A few bits and bobs I wanted to make sure you knew about this week:


I understand agents have had trouble chasing contracts for this. I have been told by the producers that contracts have now been issued, so please let me know if anyone is still waiting.

Fiddler on the Roof

I have had questions about the terms of the West End Agreement for the rehearsals of this transfer. Have raised it with the producers and will confirm when there’s a clear understanding.

9 to 5

We now have an offer of payment for those performers featured as part of ITV2 filming which my colleague Claire Hood has confirmed is compliant with our TV agreement, so anyone who has been holding off signing a release form can now go for it.

Les Mis

There is understandably a lot of attention on the proposal to change over the productions. We have been on this for some time, and various meetings are taking place in the coming weeks which will clarify the situation.

Responsibility payments

It has emerged that some producers have tried to argue that the wording of the standard West End contract meant they only had to pay understudies from their third performance in any given role, meaning that no payment was due if they performed several times a week but covering a different part each time.

That is of course not correct – the agreement requires payment from the third performance in any part in a given week. This is now settled, and SOLT are amending the wording of the standard contract to make it 100% clear.

Of course our pay claim includes payment for understudies from the first performance in a week.

