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Follow up re the Warner Bros repeats (SAGA)

By WendyScozzaro
Follow up re the Warner Bros repeats (SAGA)

Laura Messenger has sent me this email and is happy that i share it with you all so you have more info. I have of course expressed my displeasure that Equity not having enough staff to process the payments to actors more frequently rather goes against the ethos of a Union and am told it is under review! I shall leave you in peace to ready yourselves for the weekend!
From: Laura Messenger []
Sent: 02 September 2016 14:53
To: Wendy Scozzaro
Subject: Warner Bros. royalties period end 31.3.2016
Dear Wendy,
This is to confirm, further to our telephone conversation this morning, that Equity is in the process of sending the above royalty monies to BECS for onward distribution to the relevant artists/agents. BECS will then seek to get these payments out as soon as possible – I understand that this should be toward the end of the month when their next payment run takes place.
I apologise for the mix up with the payslips, which should not have been sent out. Warner Bros. have three months from the accounting period end date (in this case 31st March) to make the payment to Equity. We received the monies, by cheque (which then have to clear before the monies appear in our account), in early August. The payslips were clearly generated (and in this case distributed) before any of this had actually happened. As I explained, we subsequently have to invoice for, and receive, VAT on the relevant titles before BECS will invoice us in order to proceed with the distributions. These VAT amounts have only recently cleared and in addition to this we have to request and check the performer allocations, together with addressing further complications around FEU deductions in some cases.
This, I hope, serves to demonstrate that there is a process our end in getting these payments out but please note that we are reviewing this alongside BECS to ensure that payments are expedited to the furthest extent possible.
I hope this clarifies the situation for you, and any others for whom the issuance of the payslips has caused confusion.
All best wishes,
Laura Messenger
Films and Contract Enforcement Organiser
Recorded Media Dept.
Tel: 0044 (0)20 7670 0249 Mob: 0044 (0)7808 793807
Equity, Guild House, Upper St. Martin’s Lane, London, WC2H 9EG