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General Data Protection Regulations – PMA Seminar, April 26th

By Catherine Considine
General Data Protection Regulations – PMA Seminar, April 26th

Hi Everyone,
There has been an enthusiastic response to this – thank you. So enthusiastic I’m toying with the idea of booking a bigger venue. Could you do me two favours:
1. If you haven’t rsvp’d but intend to come, please let me know.
2. Conversely, if you have reserved a space, which you no longer need, also please let me know.
I’ll keep you in the loop re venue. If you happen to know any central spaces that would be good for 100 or so agents and a lawyer … drop me a line … I’m always on the hunt for spaces.
Thanks all.
Original message for context:
Hi Everyone,
I’ve organised a Q&A with Vicky Edwards , Solicitor at ACK Media Law to give an overview of the data protection regulations coming into effect in May.
Time/Date: 1pm – 2.30pm on April 26th
Venue: Allen Room, St Annes (55 Dean Street)
If you have specific questions it would be really helpful if you could email me in advance – this will help Vicky pitch her presentation.
Also, please do RSVP if you intend to come, it would be useful to know numbers!
Many thanks,