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Guidance on Waivers

By Catherine Considine
Guidance on Waivers

Dear Artists Members,
We’re aware that some producers are asking actors to sign waivers. We asked Equity for guidance about this. Their response is as follows:

Equity is aware that some producers are expecting performers to sign a waiver prior to filming. We accept that performers may have to acknowledge in writing that they have been advised of the risks of returning to work. This would include signing a written agreement stating that performers will accord to any enhanced health and safety measures in place whilst on set. This is not the same as the producer waiving full responsibility. A producer has responsibilities to its cast under Health and Safety law and a duty of care.

If a producer is negligent or does not take every reasonable precaution / minimise risk, they cannot abrogate responsibility for personal injury or death.

Ultimately, Equity does understand why producers are asking performers to recognise the risk posed by COVID-19 (particularly due to continuing issues around insurance cover) but this must be handled in a reasonable manner.

A fair example of language we have seen used is as follows:-

Covid-19 impact: In entering into this Agreement with the Producer Artist acknowledges an element of risk of exposure to COVID-19 associated with any form of participation in an activity involving other individuals working at relatively close proximity. While the Producer shall adhere strictly to [the production health and safety rules, broadcasters guidance and protocols including the BFC published industry guidance] and follow all risk assessment recommendations to minimise the risk of exposure to COVID-19, Artist acknowledges that there remains a possibility that he/she may come into direct or indirect contact with COVID-19 and is freely and willingly agreeing to participate in the production in this knowledge.

The above is a more balanced and reasonable approach and is far more likely to be considered so in a legal forum, as opposed to a blanket legal waiver.