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Internet / Instagram Scam

By Catherine Considine
Internet / Instagram Scam

This was reported at last week’s Artist meeting but I’m copying here to alert those of you who could not be there:
A PMA member agency reported that their agency name was used to scam an aspiring actress out of approx. £500 on the basis of a fake contract inviting her to join the agency. And a further £700 due to a fake Equity membership form.
It appears to start with an approach on instagram from someone purporting to be a famous actor.
The scam became apparent when the actor arrived (from Croatia) at the agency believing herself to be a client.
I’m sharing here to alert you that your agency name can be misused; and also to ask that you report any misuse to us as a precaution. In this case the agency reported the identify theft to Action Fraud and contacted Equity advising they do the same.