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Non-Equity jobs on Spotlight

By PaulByram
Non-Equity jobs on Spotlight

Is anyone else getting increasingly frustrated with the number of “non-equity” jobs that are being listed on Spotlight?
It’s getting impossible to filter these out without potentially eliminating some more lucrative International jobs. I personally don’t believe Spotlight is the place for unpaid jobs however I seem to be in the minority on this matter. I accept that non-equity, low-pay/no-pay will continue to be listed however since their isn’t a filter option to filter out the chancers, rank amateurs and sometimes out and out rip-off merchants I believe at the very least Spotlight should insist on monies and contract conditions being attached to the breakdown. What are members thoughts on this? I’d like to see a much more united front on this to eliminate these bad practices from the pages of Spotlight before it becomes like the considerable amount of other far less professional casting websites/services that we all know about.