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NT at home / writers and creatives

By Rose Cobbe
NT at home / writers and creatives

See the below from Mark Price – and given the fast turnaround, would everyone be ok with us doubling as a de facto working party for the writers’ side too? I think there’s widespread support for the basic terms on the writer’s side too it’s just the drafting that’s a horror.


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To update everyone…

I’ve been talking with Rose Cobb and Lisa Foster (who were both involved in discussions about the writers’ heads of agreement).

Together we have gone through the current draft and pulled out the main things we think ought to be addressed to bring the document faithfully back to the basic terms which I believe have widespread support.

Earlier today I had a meeting with the NT – making clear I’m not talking for everyone, but hopefully making suggestions that bring them closer to a more generally acceptable text.

I’m pleased to report they appeared to take on board all the concerns raised and they are now working on a new draft to address them.

The NT are keen to get widespread support for the documents – and quickly as they are launching next month. To that end, when the new draft comes in, perhaps if we could get one or two creative agent volunteers to join Rose, Lisa and I in our de facto working party? Are members comfortable with this approach?
