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Option Working Party

By DonnaFrench
Option Working Party

Dear All
Happy New Year.
A group of members met last week to discuss the current state of TV option clauses, with the aim of creating a clear set of guidelines and minimum terms. We are collectively exasperated by the present climate of producer biased options.
We are keen to know your negative experiences of options, i.e. being contracted for 2,3,4 or 5 series with poor percentage uplifts, unrealistic pick-up dates or unworkable/exhaustive date periods and any other issues you would like to raise.
A current option that is indicative of the issues we are facing is Wizards v Aliens. They have asked for an option which would guarantee 8 weeks in a 17 week window but the dates for the production window that they have suggested are not actually locked and can be moved on option pick up date.
Please email me with the specific option clause causing concern and the corresponding project information.
We will analyse examples and present our thoughts at the next PMA meeting.
We look forward to hearing from you.
All the best
Donna French, Christopher Farrer, Chris Keen, Debi Allen, Kelly Andrews and Manon Palmer