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payment for quarantine / isolation weeks

By Catherine Considine
payment for quarantine / isolation weeks

Hi Everyone,

Hope you’re enjoying the sun. We’ve been speaking to a lot of you across various productions who are having complicated conversations with Producers/ CD’s about appropriate payments for quarantine/ isolation weeks pre or during a production.

Ultimately there isn’t currently anything in the agreement or Covid interim agreement to cover such payments. However we and Equity both felt the compromised first call weekly fee of £557 could be a workable solution, as a minimum weekly payment and that if both Equity and PACT could agree on such advice we would have a framework to work with.

We had a positive call with PACT this morning who understood the need to find a more linear resolution. So they are discussing internally and will come back to us next week.

We are hoping the outcome will be a weekly and daily minimum rate for such payments.

For clarity – they completely agree the use of holiday pay payments for quarantine is a misuse and we should categorically say no to any Producer who asks. They are circulating the same advice to their members.
They also understood rehearsal fees are only appropriate if the Actor is asked for rehearsal in pre-production.

We told them we would be circulating an update and asking members to hold off, where possible, agreeing to any such payments until we find a resolution, we’ve also updated the CDG so the Casting Directors are also aware.

Many thanks,

Alice, Bill and Kate.
Artists’ Sector Co-chairs