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PIPA presentation to PMA members Wednesday 6th March at Spotlight.

By BillPetrie
PIPA presentation to PMA members Wednesday 6th March at Spotlight.

Dear All,

PIPA presentation to PMA members Wednesday 6th March at Spotlight.

I wanted to give you all a gentle nudge if you are considering attending this event.

As I mentioned at our last PMA meeting, we would like to try and take guest speakers out of our regular meetings and into stand alone events. The thought behind this being that we can make our regular meetings shorter and discuss the important issues. Having stand alone speakers/events would mean those with an interest can attend and those without don’t need to.

At the moment the attendance is rather low and we may need to cancel Wednesday and bring PIPA into our next meeting.

If you are planning on attending and have not let Catherine know please do so asap. We’ll take a view on Monday as to whether we will go ahead so if you are on the fence please land on the positive side and book a slot.

Bill Petrie