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PMA Anti-Harassment Group update

By Gabriella Capisani
PMA Anti-Harassment Group update

Hello all,

The PMA Anti-Harassment group met this morning, and we thought it would be useful to share a wider update with you all.

We are in the process of continuing to develop our working document which aims to provide advice/guidance for agents who are dealing with harassment/bullying/abuse situations or accusations. We issued a version of this document previously, but are now in the process of updating it to remain current and relevant. It will be re-shared in due course. The PMA website is also in development – once finished, these documents/resources will also be readily accessible via the website.

We also wanted to update everyone with the progress of the Cultural Industries Independent Standards Board (CIISA). See below for their latest statement – most notably, they aim to be up and running and ready to take on cases from the start of 2024. Please do keep an eye on their website for further updates/information.

The Creative Industries Independent Standards Authority to go live in 2024

Lastly, as a group we just wanted to remind agents that we remain available to act as a standing resource/support system for anyone who finds themselves in a complex situation. Even if only as an initial sounding board to confidentially discuss the specific case (or anything hypothetical), and attempt to provide insight/guidance/support to you as the agent, or recommend further outside resources where necessary.

Our group will now aim to meet in person 3 times a year (starting in 2024). We’d like to offer these meetings as an open-invitation to any agent who might find it useful to sit in person to discuss sensitive situations (of course confidentially), or hear updates about how to handle abuse/bullying/harassment cases moving forward. The primary aim being to provide a support network for agents, so that we can better support our clients in these circumstances. We will issue the proposed 2024 scheduled meeting dates in due course.

Please do reach out if you have any questions/concerns.

All the best,
PMA Anti-Harassment Goup