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PMA-BFI Zoom today (plus UKT anti-harassment guidance doc)

By Catherine Considine
PMA-BFI Zoom today  (plus UKT anti-harassment guidance doc)

To those of you who turned up today, Jen Smith, BFI asked me to pass on her apologies:

– Can you apologise to all the agents that attended the call … Sincere and unreserved apologies! Jen

We will rearrange very soon. In the meantime, prepping for the zoom I re-read the BFI principles. For anyone, struggling to understand, or to find language to talk about issues of harassment, or to create safeguarding policies for your agency,, the principles and supporting guidance documents are such a useful starting point.

For those of you who are more theatre based, UKT have created a similarly helpful document – see link below:

Thanks for your understanding today – it was at least good to see so many of you even if just to say hello!
