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PMA Diary

By Catherine Considine
PMA Diary

Hello D&D Agents,
Feeling a bit new term-ish so I thought a few diary reminders might be helpful.
Next D&D Meeting: Wednesday, September 14th, 2016. 1.00pm – 2.30pm at St Anne’s Soho, 55 Dean Street
PMA AGM: Wednesday September 28th, at Century Soho. From 1pm – 3pm. All members are welcome.
On October 26th (1pm – 2.30pm at St Anne’s), with our Artists’ Agent colleagues we are holding a seminar about “fixated risk management”- how to manage situations where your clients fall victim to harassment, stalking or threats (both online and in the real world). The session has been devised by Theseus specifically for the PMA. Here is there website if you would like to know more about their work:
More detail to follow on all events nearer the time. In the meantime I hope you all you lovely summers and look forward to seeing you soon.
All best,