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PMA Dramatists and Directors – Forum update / long running series bonus proposal

By EmilyHickman
PMA Dramatists and Directors – Forum update / long running series bonus proposal

Dear All,
Following on from Jean’s note below, we now have clarification from Neil Hunt that this loyalty bonus would be additional to any bonus writers receive on their core deals. The other details of the proposal are still being formulated.
Best wishes,
Emily Hickman
Dear All
We had an interesting Forum meeting last week, although sadly the news about BBC3 wasn’t shared as the business affairs people we met didn’t know about it at that point. There will bean emergency Forum within the next couple of weeks about that.
Minutes from the Forum will be with you in the next week or so but in the meantime you may have heard via the WGGB about a proposal from the Continuing Drama department to pay a loyalty bonus of 15% to those writers who have three or more episodes accepted on Holby, Casualty or Doctors. We didn’t email around about this immediately because the proposal is still being formulated, and there are issues about when such a scheme would start, how it would affect writers who are on core deals and whether it is instead of a rise in Doctor’s fees which is also under discussion. I have asked for clarification about this proposal as a matter of urgency as some of you will be currently negotiating core deals. I will convey news as I have it and if you have any questions, comments or concerns in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Jean Kitson
Jean Kitson
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