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Publicity Clauses, Theatre

By Catherine Considine
Publicity Clauses, Theatre

Brief notes from the PMA Theatre Working Gorup, following a meeting with Hannah Plant at Equity.

[the working group] has been in discussions with Hannah Plant at Equity re: publicity addendums and clauses – they cannot undermine the terms of the SOLT Equity agreement

Sometimes publicity clauses are sent within the general terms of an addendum, and sometimes separately as a publicity addendum

ASAP – Hannah would like for us to send these clauses for contracts being negotiated (if you have them already) and for live contracts

Then more historical examples.

Equity will discuss these with individual producers and with SOLT.

[the group also] discussed where the addendum is a repetition of what the SOLT Equity provides for. We agree this can be useful to remind an actor of those terms, but it must be word-for-word.
