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R&D Project re RESIDUALS

By Catherine Considine
R&D Project re RESIDUALS

Back in February Liz Nelson, previously of CVGG and PMA Council Chair, was engaged to consult with agencies and other bodies to pinpoint if there is a viable PMA wide method of monitoring and recouping missing residuals on behalf of its membership, but due to the circumstances with regard to Covid this was put on hold.

We now feel it would be a good time to explore this again.

It is vital that we engage with as many members as possible and that you accurately point us to the people in your company, or outside of it, who have knowledge and experience of chasing and/or processing residual payments.

It is clear that many agencies do not have the time and resources to chase these on top of their day to day work and Liz is going to explore where the problems are and possible solutions and she would very appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you to the agencies who responded to the original email with their contact details, but would you please do so again, so we have an up to date list.

You can contact Liz directly via:

All best,