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Sophie North Casting Brief Decrypted !

By PaulByram
Sophie North Casting Brief Decrypted !

Hi everyone,
If you are struggling to read the past breof from Sophie North it’s here again without the formatting
He’s in his late 30s, a youngish PhD. with a great brain and (clearly) an active imagination. I like the idea of a friendly, curious guy. A dedicated teacher and researcher so engrossed in life that he sometimes forgets what time it is (like most of us), and suddenly realizes he hasn’t eaten in a few hours.
He could be wearing an open-necked shirt and sweater, or even a tie (maybe no jacket). He’s somewhere in between the hippest prof on the block and stolid old Dr. Smithers. I like to think that even though he’s a whiz at math he’s really a regular bloke who loves his mum, a pint, and a football game on Sunday. He’s personable and his face is open and relatable. More adorable than drop dead handsome.
To get this guy just right we’ll want an actor able to give us a wide range of facial and body language expression without the need for dialogue. Since he’s a fellow who spends a lot of time in his head, he’s comfortable with this. And he loves Müller Rice.