Beta version


Spotlight – Video capacity

By RebeccaBlond
Spotlight – Video capacity


I have just tried to upload a clients’ new showreel to their Spotlight page and been told online that it is too long, the limit is now 5 minutes. Whose bright idea was that, I asked when I rang Spotlight, given that you used to be able to pay to have up to 15 minutes available to view on there.

Apparently they consulted industry professionals and that was their opinion. You can have a library of 20 minutes worth, but only display 5 minutes worth.

Does anyone else think this is completely ridiculous?! If so, can we collectively send Spotlight a message (I can send one from all those who agree), asking for them to revert to how it used to be? Otherwise it means that come renewals, every client who has a reel of more than 5 minutes on there is going to have to re-edit it.

As if life wasn’t difficult enough…..

Many thanks,