Beta version



By Adam Boland

Hi All,
Happy Friday.
As some of you will know, we lost a wonderful client at the end of 2017 to suicide. Olivia was a young graduate, on hold for a wonderful job, and was always very happy when we saw or spoke to her. The whole thing came as a terrible shock to us, as her Agents, but also as individuals. We didn’t really know how to feel or act on the extremely unfortunate event and were left fearful that we wouldn’t and couldn’t spot signs in our other clients.
I am hoping for something good to come of this terrible situation so I would like to open a support or conversation group with Agents, Assistants and anyone that deals with Actors, to see if we can open up a dialogue, support people who have been through similar and discuss ways we might look for and identify signs of mental health issues and help, if at all possible.
I am not a mental health expert and don’t intend to try to solve the issues, but if enough people are interested, maybe a circle of chairs, some cups of coffee and an open dialogue may help us all be better prepared in the future.
If you think you, your staff or someone in our line of work that you know might benefit from this, please do pop me an email on and I will arrange something that works for all.
Thanks for your time and looking forward to chatting more.