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Survey – Netflix Exclusivity Provisions *Follow up*

By Alice Coles
Survey – Netflix Exclusivity Provisions *Follow up*

Dear All,

Further to Cathy’s email this afternoon we just wanted to reiterate the importance of people’s participation in this survey.

We are at an impasse at the moment with opposing views from Equity’s legal team and Netflix’s lawyers.
We’re all feeling the weight of these restrictions and as Netflix productions grow in number so do our difficult negotiations.

Equity are doing a fantastic job so far getting Netflix to the table. This agreement will be the first of its kind and already many other Unions in Europe, Australia, Canada etc. are starting to follow suit. So we really are setting the precedent.

Please take the time if you can to share your relevant experience with Netflix specific productions.

We need evidence to prove that the practicalities of the current Netflix deals are stopping our actors from accepting work on similar platforms, whilst also denying them the opportunity to be considered/auditioned for future projects. And, as we know, not all options are picked up. The more examples and information we can gather, the stronger the lawyer can make the case that these terms are unenforceable and a restriction of trade.

Thanks to all!

Alice, Bill, Sian and Kelly.