Beta version


Tagmin Users

By PaulByram
Tagmin Users

Good Morning Everyone,
To all of those Tagmin users out there I am thinking about requesting a couple of features namely:
An option to automaticalluy send a first night / greeting card (birthday) to a client (or at the very least a prompt via Tagmin asking if we want to)
An option to automatically send a gift via one of the many gift services out their such as Amazon Gifts, M& S Gifts etc (or at the very least a prompt via Tagmin asking if we want to)
What’s the general opinion on this? I’m all for automation where possible to speed things up and reduce the workload, I susepct many of us alreasy use gift/flower services and have to login to separate accounts to do tthis,
Do you think this is a feature that you would use?
If there is a reasonably positive responsee I’ll put it to Ben at Tagmin
Have a great week.