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Update: Equity negotiations for new Covid Variation Agreement in the West End

By Catherine Considine
Update: Equity negotiations for new Covid Variation Agreement in the West End

Further to the update during August’s PMA meeting we have the following new information from Equity.

As the Equity negotiations for a new Covid Variation Agreement in the West End are tied to the BECTU and Musicians Union negotiations, they are currently awaiting the outcome of those negotiations in order to move things forward between SOLT and Equity. This is expected to happen within the next few weeks.

Once SOLT and Equity have reached agreement, Equity will take the final proposal to their working party and to the Equity Deps and if it passed through those groups each of the casts currently on suspension with the original CVA will be balloted as to whether they wish to accept the new agreement (subject to the Producer of each show wishing to continue to use the CVA).

This is likely to be around the start of October and at this point we anticipate a lot of discussion between agents and their clients. We will endeavour to get as much information as possible in advance from Equity and they have said they will keep engaging with us on this. The discussions so far lead us to believe that many actors will struggle to work with the new proposals. Please be aware that whereas in previous discussions with Equity we have actively been able to input into negotiations, during the current negotiations we are largely being provided with updates by Equity with little consultation.

As was noted in the PMA meeting we foresee that the new CVA will see fundamental changes to the West End agreement and the mechanism by which it is decided when the CVA will cease is still being worked out.