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*Urgent* Update on new SOLT interim agreement for the West End

By Alice Coles
*Urgent* Update on new SOLT interim agreement for the West End

Dear All,

We have been informed by Equity that the new SOLT CVA interim agreement has now been finalised and will firstly be balloted by the West End deps this morning, and then to their wider membership including any Actor who has had a west end contract in the last 3 years.

We have asked Equity for the timeline for this vote, which of course is going to create a huge amount of questions from clients for us.

We are pushing to see the final draft of that document ASAP so we can circulate to you all. Hilary has also offered to do a Zoom webinar to talk through the terms with the Agents and answer any questions. We get the impression this is now going to move very quickly. She offered to do this zoom this afternoon, we are asking her to postpone until tomorrow AM at least, to give us all time to digest this new deal. We would love as many Agents as can attend to be there, so please be on standby, we’ll of course try and give as much notice as possible.

Very sadly the PMA have not been able to be part of these negotiations, we have worked hard to try and be ‘in the room’ but unfortunately neither Equity or SOLT were open to that. Though we have been in regular contact with both organisations during this process.

We have grave concerns about this new proposed deal and the impact it will have on our clients being able to return to work in the West End. So we would really urge as many of you as possible to try and attend this Zoom when we have more details.

Huge thanks as ever,

Alice, James and the WE Working Party.