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Women’s Rights – Zoom – hold the date

By Catherine Considine
Women’s Rights – Zoom – hold the date

Dear Artists Agents,

Zoom Date: April 28th at 1pm (registration link will be sent nearer the date)

I’ve been speaking recently with Ian Manborde (Equity, Diversity) about the discrimination experienced by actresses when they are pregnant. Leading to a broader conversation about women’s rights. We’d like to invite you to a zoom discussion to achieve two things:

a) To discuss specific maternity, parenting and childcare rights. I’m conscious in writing parenting that these are men’s issues too.

For context:

b) To hear the issues that concern you and your clients.

At the end of a year where we have been home-schooling and zooming with our families in the background – and sadly with woman’s rights back in the headlines – these issues and a need for a discussion platform has never felt so tangible.

We hope this initial conversation, which will be attended by Ian and one or two members of Equity’s Women’s Rights Group, will be the first of ongoing action the PMA and Equity.

All best,