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Yesterday’s Artists’ Meeting – follow ups

By Catherine Considine
Yesterday’s Artists’ Meeting – follow ups

Hi Everyone,
Thank you for a fantastic turn out yesterday. It was great to see so many of you there and involved. Minutes will follow early next week but in the meantime here are a few, immediate follow ups that perhaps you can help with:

o BBC FAST FEE – Kelly has been collating examples of any problems with this new system. She will be putting these to the BBC this week so if there are any issues you’d like to add to that document please email me.

o APPLE – We have an opportunity to feed back to Apple a one-page document of good practice with Apple Agreements.

If you would be willing to share examples (anonymously) of deals that have worked well for you/your clients with apple, that would be really helpful. Again – please email me.

o BFI – we are setting up a new group to talk to the BFI about funding non-Equity/PACT agreements. If you have experience and would like be involved please email me.

With thanks and all best,