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YOUNG PMA: Networking Event

By KevinBrady
YOUNG PMA: Networking Event

Hello all, as you may or may not be aware the PMA has in the past held a yearly networking event for the group we, for want of a better term, call the Young PMA.
The purpose of this forum is to facilitate communication and information sharing amongst the newer members of the profession, as well as a chance to meet and chat with your peers.
On the 7th July were planning on hosting an early evening meeting for those who are interested. Whilst there will be some drinks provided were also hoping to start the ball rolling with a discussion about how you feel the PMA can help you. For example, what seminars could the PMA organise specifically tailored for newer agents? Who could we invite to speak? Are there training/learning opportunities the PMA could help with?
Were leaving the classification of what a young agent is entirely up to you but it might include newer agents, junior agents, more senior assistants etc…were certainly not insisting on having all your own teeth and never having faxed your suggestions.
The venue will be very much dependent on numbers so could you please let us know by Friday 3rd June who to expect from your agency, well obviously need to know how many yard of ale glasses, beer bongs and kegs to order…
RSVP to this email or onto the forum.
Kevin Brady (AHA), Chris Keen (United Agents), Lily Williams (Curtis Brown) and Tanya Tillett (Rod Hall Agency).